Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday's "Monday Blues"

**Warning: Full blown rant below**

Today feels like a Monday around here.

I've had so many really good days with Isla lately I haven't even blogged about them because I just don't want to miss a minute of her super fun moods (I love walking in her room and having her chatter to me as soon as I get in the door) or new little words (she said "beach" today!). She has been super happy and cuddly (a nice side effect of her current growth spurt).

 Yesterdays 'cuddle bug mode' 

She's such a 'big girl' these days. (Yesterday's walk :) 

All of that said, today is not looking like one of those days.

We had a super nice morning with Daddy.B. Isla slept until 7:25 which is a lot nicer than her 5:15 AM wake-up yesterday (UG!) Right when I went in her room she started chattering about "Daddy" and to every question I asked the answer was an emphatic "YAH!" or "yah,yah" as if to just appease me until she could see her Daddy. Thanks Isla- she's too kind.

I'm not sure where the day turned around and reared it's big ugly face in my direction---Possibly around the time I was trying to get ready and every time I looked back to see Isla destroying something. Possibly after I put on the 4th outfit that I hated to see Isla jamming my chapstick into the top of my deodorant on the gray rug. Possibly when I smelled like "powder fresh" Dove deodorant after cleaning up the mess above. Possibly when I realized we were TOTALLY OUT OF COFFEE and I was already running late to Isla's Toddler class. Possibly when I finally made it to the car and realized I had to reinstall Isla's carseat from this weekend when we decided it was a 'brilliant' idea to take B's car (EEEE! Will never do that again!). Possibly when I got stuck behind the Pyramid beer truck on the way to class with it's hazards on, barely moving through a one lane street (I'm not late or anything?!) or maybe when the guy behind me at the gas station pulled in not to pump gas, oh no!, just to smoke a cigarette with his window down. Apparently he'd hate to get that cancer causing smoke in his own vehicle--why not blow it in the direction of the lady who obviously has a child--strapped in her seat..... Isla and I held hostage by cigarette smoke and one selfish jerk. $*%#@!!!!!!

I just wanted to bang my head on the steering wheel and inject an americano into my veins.
Come on caffeine---cure these 'bad day' blues!!! 

By the time I got home for lunch, with one apparently starving Toddler in tow--I've never seen a baby that is so dramatic at meal times!, I was at the end of my rope and ready to turn the day around. I just don't have time to be this irritated today.

So.... I made Isla lunch and while she was trapped in her high chair, I cleaned my house, prepared Isla's milk (and dreamt of her nap time, providing me with a much needed break) and turned on Hook (because who doesn't love an old school flick when they're day is sucking it up?!)

Here's to hoping I'm on the road to better hours ahead--- I can't wait to see how many new words Isla tries out today! She's a talking machine!

I hope everyone's having a great TUESDAY (and if you're having a 'Monday' like me-- hang in there! and drink more coffee-- it always helps!)


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