Monday, July 7, 2014

Terrible Twos TOO soon?!!!!

Hi Friends!

So this happened today.....

.....for the first time (and hopefully the last) I walked into Lake Washington (fully clothed mind you!) to fetch my stubborn Toddler who wouldn't listen to my stern warnings that she was walking out too far. Time for water wings and swim lessons! By the time I left the beach those jean cuffs were 10 pounds heavier and full of sand and my baby was PISSED that she had to get a cold shower in the outdoor bathroom showers, naked in front of the entire beach--- sorry lady, you brought that on yourself! I couldn't just diaper her up with sand in places it had no business being in! UG!

That photo is a fitting example of how our Monday looked in its entirety. She had a serious case of the 'post-holiday-Monday-blues.' I was completely exhausted by 7:45 pm when she finally went to bed after not napping all day because of a blow out diaper. I HATE it when that happens!

Isla's been quite a handful lately. She's always been a busy-body and getting into things she shouldn't but I figure that's normal Toddler behavior. For some reason I feel like all of the growth spurt stuff I was warned about around 18 months has hit early. She is not only teething, which is a whole other issue in itself, she is also going through a serious stubborn streak. She has turned into a picky eater (she turned away pears yesterday, PEARS!, they are like straight sugar- kid loot!). She is constantly pushing boundaries--- climbing on things she knows not to (that are straight up dangerous), getting into things she knows she shouldn't, (after repeated warnings), watching our responses as we warn her and throwing tantrum fits (like the one above. I wish I had a pic of her trying to kick her Aunt after her shower- WTH ISLA?!)

I have tried to stay consistent and get up to move her, talk to her about things being dangerous,etc even though I'm literally EXHAUSTED. We have loosely started time-outs when she's really losing it but I think I'm really going to have to kick that up a notch. I did teach her "sorry" in sign language although I'm not convinced she knows what she's signing. My 'routine' right now is to remove her from whatever she's doing that's a bad decision on her part, give a quick explanation why... and if she throws a tantrum do a time-out that ends with "sorry" and a hug.

If anyone went through this around this age and has advice I'm ALL EARS. I would prefer not to wade into frigid Lake Washington again anytime soon.

Thanks Friends!

And now....a couple more fun pics from our playdate today!



  1. Ugh I feel your pain. Charlotte is 2 and a half now, but around 17 months she started the "terrible twos" tantrums, not listening, saying no to everything, picky eater status: she now only eats like 7 things...I have heard it changes and to just ride it out, and if she starts losing it I will either just tell her to go take a "break" and she will throw herself dramatically on the couch for awhile (usually works) or if she is really bad and doesn't listen she has to have a 2 min time out and then I sit down and tell her why it was bad and she has to say sorry. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful but at least now hopefully you know other moms go through it too!! I just repeat to myself "the days are long but the years are short". You got this! (sorry this is so long!!)

  2. wine. fuckin wine. THAT'S how you get through it.
