Thursday, October 31, 2013

Confession. I Fail.

Hi Friends.

I have a confession.....and I would only admit this to fellow Mamas out there because I know you'll here goes:

Today, Isla has been a total&complete TERRORIST! Lets just say she's wrapped her arms around the whole "9.month mental leap/sleep-eat regression" and given it a big old bear hug. It's that bad.

I started off my day by offering her breakfast which ended up on the floor and in her hair. She finally had a couple bites of yogurt and toast. Then she threw a total fit in her high chair as I cleaned up her tray. She "decided" she's now scared of the bathtub...she likes the water but only to stand in..which was an issue since I put her in there to remove the yogurt and rinse her sad (and bleeding, eek!) diaper rash -- poor lady! I felt so bad for her I let her crawl around without a diaper while I got her room ready for a nap ... and then she peed on the floor. That's the first time (keep track please). She then proceeded to nap for 30 mins before crying for 15 and not successfully putting herself back to sleep. I finally conceded and got her up and offered her a cracker. She threw it on the floor, threw up her toast which resembled a large loaf of bread (how is that possible?!!), had 2 messy poos (that's a really CLEAN way to describe them) and then when she peed on the floor again...and I yelled "FU-ddddgee!" .... but it wasn't the dessert. It was the real deal.

Then....dead silence.

You could have cut the tension with a really dull butter knife.

I wish one of those crop duster planes would have flown by her nursery window with a big, long, whipping banner that said, "YOU FAIL!! MAMA FAIL!! fa-la-la-la-la"

I grabbed a rag, cleaner and sunk onto the floor. As I scrubbed my girl moved towards me very slowly. I knew she wasn't quite sure what was next because it's not often I really "lose my sh*t" in front of her. When she came over and reached out to hold onto my shoulder and I finally reciprocated looking her in the eye (which I couldn't do until I truly had my head back on straight!) ....she smiled.

And maybe that's the beauty of today....I learned that this morning just did but I can repair it. I haven't ruined today. I haven't ruined our Thursday, her first Halloween or more importantly, my baby girl.

I feel bad about scaring her (although I'm sure it won't be the first time I really lose it!)...dropping the F-bomb (please let that be the last time) .....and for feeling like she had any control over the situation. The funny thing is, I probably wouldn't change anything--I'd still let her crawl her nakey buns around for a couple mins to help her diaper rash and unfortunately pee is just gonna happen sometimes (which makes me very good friends with household cleaner).

I learned that she forgives...pretty instantly even. I provide her structure and balance...and even when I lose it she sees that I can rein it back in and move forward. I'm determined to turn our day around when she gets up from her nap. It will be time for her first Halloween! Time to get dressed up, maybe take 2 bites of dinner (we're focusing on little milestones around here) and lots of pictures. At least I don't need to dress up to be a 'frazzled Mama' :)

Happy Halloween Everyone!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hi Friends! 

When I went to Isla's 9.month doctor's appointment two weeks ago her Doctor warned that around this time many kiddos start to get more independent. They go through a sleep regression--who wants to sleep when you're learning to walk?!! Makes sense right? They recognize object permanence, have separate anxiety (Hello, Stranger Danger....Yes, Isla screamed at the nice lady in Walgreens who complimented her crazy hair) and they begin to get more assertive about their food...which is where I'm at tonight. 

Isla is not only in a sleep regression which is out to ruin all the progress I've made in finishing my photography season and catching up with my life....she also does this super fun new thing where she shakes her head and spits out food...very dramatically I may add. She is not a willing participant to try new things and she now loves nothing more than throwing food on the floor. Especially....ESPECIALLY when she's done eating. 

This video was from dinner tonight. Please note the head shake. #totalattitude. 

My adventurous Little Eater has turned into a total snob about her meals! The funny thing is that there's no rhyme or reason to what she turns away. Today she ate noodles with pesto sauce (which was super garlicky I might add) but threw her hard boiled egg (that she used to eat) right on the ground. She loves fruit- especially citrusy ones, tofu (even uncooked) and snack crackers/puffs. She has recently been struggling with veggies: peas and beans (she bites into them and spits them out), mashed potatoes, avocado....I even prepared butternut squash two ways tonight (steamed and roasted) and she hated both. I ended up tricking her into taking a bite by putting a sprinkle of mozzarella on it- that's real. Who can blame a girl for loving yummy cheese?! .... even if she did only take 2 bites.

 Don't anyone worry--I won't be converting her to a fruit only diet! I'll keep putting the veggies on her tray and maybe one day she'll give them a try again. I'm just hoping it's sooner than later. There's nothing more annoying than running around to prep a dinner for her and us at the same time while washing dishes (I'm a big multi-tasker!) and watching her chuck her meal straight on the floor and melt down into a fit.

Gotta love 9 months! (Bring on 10--PLEASE bring on 10! :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

checking in

Hi Friends!

Had to check in and tell you I'm still here! Sorry I've been so MIA--I had to wrap up my Photography season and we've been busy with the holidays. I'm so excited to celebrate them with Isla- bring it on!! I'm behind on my 9.month Isla post but had to put up this pic--this is pretty much what 9.months looks like.

and this girl :) ...........Happy 9.months Isla James. You rock our world!

More posting to come--thanks for hanging in there with me :)

xo. S

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Baby-Proofing Recc!

Hi Friends! 

We baby-proofed after we got back from Hawaii and I'm finally getting this post up about one of my best baby-proofing finds! We have 2 side tables with iron legs and edging. One of them is right at Isla's eye level when she pulls up. Literally, the only way they could be more dangerous is if they were covered in spikes. Look at that edge! Owww!

I hunted down pliable foam rubber edging that I could cover the iron edge with. I couldn't use some of the products online because they were too hard and I needed to bend it around the entire edge. If you have a similar situation check out: Prince Lionheart Table Edge Guard on Amazon. I know it's $20...just simmer down....but it is perfect for those hard to baby proof tables. It comes with a LONG rope of padded edging, 4 corners and a ton of sticky tape. 

It's REALLY easy to "install" and so far Isla hasn't ripped it off. I put on the corners below as a temporary fix until I could get my 2nd order to cover the bigger table and when I pulled them off they didn't leave a bunch of goop on the table from the tape. There are cleaning instructions on the box when you're ready to remove it. It also doesn't look like you live in a playhouse...clean and perfectly safe.

We love Prince Lionheart products- check them out! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Sleep Training: Nights (check!) on to Naps!

Hi Friends!

Here's a follow-up to my sleep training blog from earlier this week. Miss Isla is doing AWESOME at her sleep training. We initially started because.....

well yes, the kid won't sleep. She NEVER wants to lay down- not even to get her diaper changed. This is all her Dad's fault :) ha! I think she got a whole lot of our "go-go-go" energy and will never be one of those kiddos who reach for their crib or bed because they're just THAT tired. Isla would much rather bury her face in my chest and whine like an inch from my face. Just so I REALLY get the point :)

The sleep consult I blogged about previously helped SO MUCH! A big, warm shout-out of appreciation to Rachel at Child-works. She really was the support and confidence booster (that I was doing the right thing most of all for Isla but for us to!) that I needed. A couple things really helped our success:

1. Establishing "lovies" that Isla is comforted by at bedtime. Isla loves her Blabla fox (that needs name), Moo security blanket (a pressie from her Friend, Gemma) and the Aden&Anais "lovie" that many babies associate with the kneading they do on their Mama while eating. That satin edge is magic.

2. The Baby Einstein Soother. This came highly recommended from my BF, Ashli. Apparently my Neice, Grace is an addict like Isla. I was concerned that this could be distracting for Isla when she was self soothing but Rachel reassured me that sometimes distraction from crying or fussying is a good thing. We set it just for the sea noises so Isla can push it if she's sitting or standing in her crib. There's also a remote that works great (from out of the room) with it.

3. A video baby monitor. I use the "Best Baby Monitor" (I know, "real original guys") app. It pairs with your Ipad and Iphone so you can watch the little one on either device. I will say it eats batteries for breakfast so I recommend leaving the device plugged in when you're watching. I just tuck the ipad under Isla's changing mat and pull it out when we're "turning down her room" (ie: closing curtains, turning on white noise, etc).

4. This rocker. A bedtime story, nursing and burping all happens in this rocker. It's a magic place :)

5. We also love the Aden&Anais sleep sack. We just started using the Winter quilted sleep sack since it's been cold out but usually the muslin ones are perfect. These work in lieu of a blanket and if your little one prefers some "weight" while sleeping this is a good option.

There are many more tips to settle into a routine and get your little one to sleep...soundly.... these are just a few that helped us!

and now...she's proud to say.....

and I'm SO REFRESHED in the morning.

It has been so nice seeing my girl happy in the mornings- for 6 months (eek!) she was waking up crying and fussy because she just didn't sleep well! For the last 3 mornings she's woken up happy and talking to her stuffies. This morning she just sang a little song and laid there until I came to get here. It's so nice!

and now our next challenge....Sleep training naps. Ug! (Is drinking at 10am condoned in reference to sleep training? :)


Digital Privacy

Hi Friends-

I have been tossing around the idea of making my personal blog private. After being inundated by news stories of child predators (the story about the man "revealing" himself to young girls while trying to lure them into his truck in West Seattle almost threw me over the edge yesterday). This is also a side note that, that little incident took West Seattle off our house hunt list. I.Just.Cannot.

I have always naively assumed that everyone is as busy as Brandon and I are. When in actuality there are a whole lot of sickos out there with some serious time on their hands. I can't wrap my head around the stuff that goes through their brains which is why it may be time to put a password on the personal blog so all of Isla's milestones and many photos are for family&friends only. I'd hate to post a bath photo of her sweet little butt-cheeks and find it somewhere else online.....this decision also got me thinking about digital privacy and an interesting news story I heard on NPR about one couple who has decided to post absolutely NOTHING about their Daughter online....

literally nothing....not ONE photo. snipet of news. milestone. NOTHING. and they've asked family and friends to honor that request. (which surprisingly has so far, been honored)

My initial judgment was harsh and critical, "get real? She'll end up online at some point" ... but their argument for what our digital future will look like, especially for our children who will be so much more exposed online from birth to adulthood was compelling.

I can't imagine growing up and knowing photos of me from birth, through the growing years (including those unfortunate awkward years between the ages of 13-15) are online...for all to see. In an age when employers and even private schools are looking up your digital history this is something "we", as parents have to think about. I think not posting anything about your children is a bit extreme but they bring up a valid point. I guess I'll have to keep my ADD jokes about Isla to myself (I don't really think she has ADD, I just like to poke fun at B :)

Here's the article for anyone interested in checking it out: Article Link

what do you think?

xo- S

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sleep Training

Hi Friends -

As many of you know Isla doesn't believe in sleeping. EVER.

She is not a napper and never has been. She resists going down at night and prefers to wake up at least 8 or 9 times and then soothe herself with nursing. I hear this is a common issue :) In Hawaii the last 6 months of sleepless nights came to an all out crescendo-wake-up-call when her 6 wakeups went to 9 wakeups and I swear she wanted to eat the entire night. I literally got no sleep during our entire vacation and realized we were LONG overdue for some sleep training.

I had initially resisted doing it because I was worried we couldn't stick with it which would be unfair to her. Sometimes our schedule is crazy and unpredictable and I didn't want to confuse her. I also felt like she was teething or spitting up a lot--which she is but aren't they always going through something? When it's not teething it's crawling or walking...they're little lives are built of major milestones. I realized her resistance was also a lot of built up sleeplessness and even though she was insanely tires she didn't know how to self soothe. I also had read a lot about the different methods and just wasn't sure what I was comfortable with. Let me just say--after 6 months of no sleep and constant fussiness you become a lot more comfortable with some of the things you were hesitant about. Being informed (ie: reading and research) was a big part of this!

At one point I said to a friend, "I"m so lost. It just seems like her sleep gets worse and worse...I need a sleep counselor, is that a job? WHO DOES THAT?!" .... and after I mentioned it to my Friend, Aura she said, "Oh yah, we just hired a Sleep Consultant for Beau. He's sleeping 12 hours now."

Literally at that moment the skies opened and rainbows sprang from the clouds--this was perfection!

I immediately called Rachel from Childworks who listened to what was going on with Isla. We did a 2.5 hour consultation reviewing her development, her sleep plan and how we were going to get through it (a lot of it is parent coping and rationale also). She sent me a 5 page detailed plan (I thrive on the details!) and we've been following it for the past 4 nights. Isla has been progressively getting her sleep schedule down. She is now sleeping 11ish hours, which is a TOTAL MIRACLE. She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at 7:10. I do a dream feed (ie: nurse while she's sleeping) around 4am which helps her "eek" out those last 3 hours. She wakes up happy (totally refreshing!) and ready to play. I love coming into her nursery in the morning when both of us are refreshed and feel good. She now stands at the rail and smiles at me and acts coy while she rubs her eyes and stretches. She still has her moments with little wake-ups which I hear is totally normal. Isla is also not a napper- if we get one nap a day it's a rarity, because of this she has little wake-ups here and there but so far has learned to self soothe through most of them.

 Night #1: A BIG bottle of wine was an absolute necessity! (As Rachel texted--"pinot: big, bold & smooth. Perfect choice" - she's obviously a genius) 

I texted this to Aura and then cried into a pillow. I figured it was tears for tears in our house that night. Isla and I both needed to cry into our pillows and catch up on our zzz's (Don't worry- she was monitored in intervals so she knew we were there supporting her and her new sleep effort :) 

~Isla's sleep routine 
(After this we do interval checks. I didn't post our entire plan because every plan is different and based on every baby's development and age :)

We started on nap training today which has been difficult (to say the least). I wish drinking before noon was socially acceptable. I know naps will be really difficult for her to master. As Rachel said, she's an active and busy little lady and she literally wants to be with us and absorbing as much as she can at all times. Super alert&active kiddos (like our girl) are notorious nap-resisters and training can take awhile. I have realistic expectations for napping- if she gets one good nap in a day we'll be doing well. Wish us luck! It's time for this house to catch up on its sleep :)
