Friday, October 4, 2013

Sleep Training: Nights (check!) on to Naps!

Hi Friends!

Here's a follow-up to my sleep training blog from earlier this week. Miss Isla is doing AWESOME at her sleep training. We initially started because.....

well yes, the kid won't sleep. She NEVER wants to lay down- not even to get her diaper changed. This is all her Dad's fault :) ha! I think she got a whole lot of our "go-go-go" energy and will never be one of those kiddos who reach for their crib or bed because they're just THAT tired. Isla would much rather bury her face in my chest and whine like an inch from my face. Just so I REALLY get the point :)

The sleep consult I blogged about previously helped SO MUCH! A big, warm shout-out of appreciation to Rachel at Child-works. She really was the support and confidence booster (that I was doing the right thing most of all for Isla but for us to!) that I needed. A couple things really helped our success:

1. Establishing "lovies" that Isla is comforted by at bedtime. Isla loves her Blabla fox (that needs name), Moo security blanket (a pressie from her Friend, Gemma) and the Aden&Anais "lovie" that many babies associate with the kneading they do on their Mama while eating. That satin edge is magic.

2. The Baby Einstein Soother. This came highly recommended from my BF, Ashli. Apparently my Neice, Grace is an addict like Isla. I was concerned that this could be distracting for Isla when she was self soothing but Rachel reassured me that sometimes distraction from crying or fussying is a good thing. We set it just for the sea noises so Isla can push it if she's sitting or standing in her crib. There's also a remote that works great (from out of the room) with it.

3. A video baby monitor. I use the "Best Baby Monitor" (I know, "real original guys") app. It pairs with your Ipad and Iphone so you can watch the little one on either device. I will say it eats batteries for breakfast so I recommend leaving the device plugged in when you're watching. I just tuck the ipad under Isla's changing mat and pull it out when we're "turning down her room" (ie: closing curtains, turning on white noise, etc).

4. This rocker. A bedtime story, nursing and burping all happens in this rocker. It's a magic place :)

5. We also love the Aden&Anais sleep sack. We just started using the Winter quilted sleep sack since it's been cold out but usually the muslin ones are perfect. These work in lieu of a blanket and if your little one prefers some "weight" while sleeping this is a good option.

There are many more tips to settle into a routine and get your little one to sleep...soundly.... these are just a few that helped us!

and now...she's proud to say.....

and I'm SO REFRESHED in the morning.

It has been so nice seeing my girl happy in the mornings- for 6 months (eek!) she was waking up crying and fussy because she just didn't sleep well! For the last 3 mornings she's woken up happy and talking to her stuffies. This morning she just sang a little song and laid there until I came to get here. It's so nice!

and now our next challenge....Sleep training naps. Ug! (Is drinking at 10am condoned in reference to sleep training? :)


1 comment:

  1. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! the naps will fall right into place before you know it :)
