Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hi Friends! 

When I went to Isla's 9.month doctor's appointment two weeks ago her Doctor warned that around this time many kiddos start to get more independent. They go through a sleep regression--who wants to sleep when you're learning to walk?!! Makes sense right? They recognize object permanence, have separate anxiety (Hello, Stranger Danger....Yes, Isla screamed at the nice lady in Walgreens who complimented her crazy hair) and they begin to get more assertive about their food...which is where I'm at tonight. 

Isla is not only in a sleep regression which is out to ruin all the progress I've made in finishing my photography season and catching up with my life....she also does this super fun new thing where she shakes her head and spits out food...very dramatically I may add. She is not a willing participant to try new things and she now loves nothing more than throwing food on the floor. Especially....ESPECIALLY when she's done eating. 

This video was from dinner tonight. Please note the head shake. #totalattitude. 

My adventurous Little Eater has turned into a total snob about her meals! The funny thing is that there's no rhyme or reason to what she turns away. Today she ate noodles with pesto sauce (which was super garlicky I might add) but threw her hard boiled egg (that she used to eat) right on the ground. She loves fruit- especially citrusy ones, tofu (even uncooked) and snack crackers/puffs. She has recently been struggling with veggies: peas and beans (she bites into them and spits them out), mashed potatoes, avocado....I even prepared butternut squash two ways tonight (steamed and roasted) and she hated both. I ended up tricking her into taking a bite by putting a sprinkle of mozzarella on it- that's real. Who can blame a girl for loving yummy cheese?! .... even if she did only take 2 bites.

 Don't anyone worry--I won't be converting her to a fruit only diet! I'll keep putting the veggies on her tray and maybe one day she'll give them a try again. I'm just hoping it's sooner than later. There's nothing more annoying than running around to prep a dinner for her and us at the same time while washing dishes (I'm a big multi-tasker!) and watching her chuck her meal straight on the floor and melt down into a fit.

Gotta love 9 months! (Bring on 10--PLEASE bring on 10! :)



  1. If only 10 got better…seriously Madalyn is STILL doing all this. Drives this Momma crazy! I sometimes laugh because I don't want to cry.

  2. you forgot to mention that she spit out a yogurt bite but went on ahead gnawing on a dog bone. hahahahahahhahahaaa
