Friday, October 4, 2013

Digital Privacy

Hi Friends-

I have been tossing around the idea of making my personal blog private. After being inundated by news stories of child predators (the story about the man "revealing" himself to young girls while trying to lure them into his truck in West Seattle almost threw me over the edge yesterday). This is also a side note that, that little incident took West Seattle off our house hunt list. I.Just.Cannot.

I have always naively assumed that everyone is as busy as Brandon and I are. When in actuality there are a whole lot of sickos out there with some serious time on their hands. I can't wrap my head around the stuff that goes through their brains which is why it may be time to put a password on the personal blog so all of Isla's milestones and many photos are for family&friends only. I'd hate to post a bath photo of her sweet little butt-cheeks and find it somewhere else online.....this decision also got me thinking about digital privacy and an interesting news story I heard on NPR about one couple who has decided to post absolutely NOTHING about their Daughter online....

literally nothing....not ONE photo. snipet of news. milestone. NOTHING. and they've asked family and friends to honor that request. (which surprisingly has so far, been honored)

My initial judgment was harsh and critical, "get real? She'll end up online at some point" ... but their argument for what our digital future will look like, especially for our children who will be so much more exposed online from birth to adulthood was compelling.

I can't imagine growing up and knowing photos of me from birth, through the growing years (including those unfortunate awkward years between the ages of 13-15) are online...for all to see. In an age when employers and even private schools are looking up your digital history this is something "we", as parents have to think about. I think not posting anything about your children is a bit extreme but they bring up a valid point. I guess I'll have to keep my ADD jokes about Isla to myself (I don't really think she has ADD, I just like to poke fun at B :)

Here's the article for anyone interested in checking it out: Article Link

what do you think?

xo- S

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