Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hobo Beauty (good band name?)

Hi Friends!

I am finally coming back to the real world--- that only took 6 days. Ug! I am still going to have to see someone for my neck/back issues because I think they are from carrying Isla around/lifting,etc and I don't want to stop cuddling with my girl! Time to research who can fix a 'broken mama!'

By Thursday, after spending the week posted up on the couch with an icy-hot, a heating pad, advil and watching Three Men and a Baby and While you were Sleeping back to back, I caught myself watching part of a season of Sister Wives on Netflix and decided I needed an intervention. I loaded up on Advil while my Brother-in-Law took Miss Isla to the Aquarium on an 'Isla & Uncle Playdate' and headed to the Rack to find a new wallet. I've spent months dropping change on the ground from the perfectly sized penny hole in my old wallet. Thankfully I found this little hobo beauty.....

For months I've been planning to make Isla her own play wallet out of my old one since she loves to tear through all the pockets- take all the cards out and put them back in. I figure this is really good for her fine motor skills. I requested old cards from my girls and had a good sized pile from switching over wallets.

Isla loved waking up to find 'her wallet.' She found it on the table and literally took off running with it since she knew she wasn't allowed in mine after she lost my DRIVERS LICENSE in Hawaii. It was so fun to see her giddy over tearing through it and enjoying all the pockets! The only thing I didn't count on was carting two full sized wallets around in the diaper bag--but at least she's not losing my credit cards or license in unsuspecting diner seat cushions now!

I hope everyone's having a great Dad's Day weekend!


1 comment:

  1. hahahahhaha i love that B's old ID is in Isla's wallet. cracking up! LOVE the hobo color you chose :)
