Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Genius Momvice! Feeding a picky Toddler

Hi Friends!

As I was in the process of ordering the newest kiddo cookbook (and advice for picky eaters!) I found I thought I'd put up a couple of my favorite tricks to get Isla to eat her veggies and try new food. If you have any other tips comment back--I'd love to hear them!

1. Isla is a texture eater--if you put it in her hand and she doesn't like how it feels she won't even attempt trying it. I always combine new food with food I know she likes. For example....I will put carrots into a black/bean and cheese quesadilla or corn (not her favorite) with avocado. Usually she doesn't even notice it's there and when she does she already has tried it (and usually likes it!)

2. Isla likes sandwiches which has come in really handy when we're busy in the afternoons. I have friends' kids who hate a sammy and it breaks my heart (sandwich lover- right here!) Peanut Butter was a little rich on Isla's tummy when we first tried it so I switched to organic almond butter from Trader Joe's and she does great with it. I also limit her to one half so she can get some fruit or greens in too.

Another trick with PBJ's is to put in bananas--- if your kid loves bananas they will probably love the extra treat.

3. To help her get used to peanut butter and pump up the protein I add it to our smoothies. I think the trick to getting your kiddo to try a smoothie is finding the right cup. Isla resisted them in the beginning but once I found a cup she didn't have to work really hard to get it out of she did great. I love smoothies because you can put ANYTHING in them---load them up with spinach (which you can't taste!), chard (be careful, it can turn bitter if you get too much), kale, carrots, PB, etc.

4. Freeze watermelon. This is my newest and most favorite teething trick at the moment. I scoop it out with a melon baller and put a little Tupperware of it in the freezer. Isla likes the bite-sizes for a little post-dinner teething relief that's also dessert!

5. I've noticed sometimes Isla won't like a veggie just because of the way it's prepared--moral of the story:  keep on trying! I usually start with roasting and if she won't do that I go to steaming or pan frying. If all else fails--sprinkle with cheese. Usually the cheddar hooks her to try at least a bit :)

I can't wait to review this book I just found, Weelicious. I ordered it from my library to check it out before buying (another money saving tip!) and it had a lot of great advice and fun recipes to try as Isla ages and can start helping in the kitchen more. I love the Author's approach on making food fun and interesting buy getting them involved in cooking/preparation. More to come on that!


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