Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bottles Be Gone

Hi Friends-

Big News around this place.

Isla took her bedtime milk from a sippy cup with no drama tonight! That's progress people!


I was planning to switch her over from her usual Dr. Brown's glass bottle to a sippy cup around her first birthday. Instead, I continued nursing until she lost interest which was about 15 months and I thought it would be too much change to stop nursing and remove the bottle all at once. I tried to switch over to sippy cups around her 16 month birthday and she was not a fan.

I don't think the issue was that she was attached to her bottle but more that we couldn't find a cup that she loved to drink her milk from. She was fine using her Lollacup (that has a straw) and her sippy  cup for water but when it came to milk she just didn't like using them. I finally had enough and went on an Amazon 'cup-finding' mission two weeks ago. I didn't have much luck because she resisted the cup I liked the most out of my purchases. Unfortunately the other 2 I ordered were just too small. What baby using a sippy cup wants 3 ounces of milk?!! That's just weird! At least make it 5 or 6- otherwise you're going to have to refill (and we all know that isn't happening mid-bedtime-routine!)

Today while she was sitting in her high-chair we got out a bag and packed up all the bottles for storage. We had a little talk (i.e.: I chatted to myself) about how the bottles were for babies and she was growing up to be a 'big girl' and big girls used cups. She completely disregarded my little 'bottle-bye-bye' routine so I was a bit worried when her nap and bedtime rolled around. Naptime was her typical drama---not wanting to go down, not wanting the cup, not wanting her milk. She did eat quite a bit so I was ok putting her down without taking her milk. When she pushed it away, I just said, "ok you must be full" and put it aside. She slept great and woke up happy--- YAY ISLA! That's a miracle!

For bedtime we did her normal routine and filled up her cup. At first she shook her head at it and tried to just lay down on me. Eventually she popped up and whined for her milk. She took 3/4 of the cup and laid down again.


She went down perfectly tonight and with a CUP of milk under her Toddler belt.


I am currently using the Thinkbaby Sippy Cup. It had mixed reviews on Amazon but I've had zero issues with it besides Isla not wanting milk from it the first time. Tonight she took it just fine. I believe they have a straw top you can interchange on the cup also!  I am also going to try the Lifefactory Sippy Bottle that my good Friend, L has so much luck with! I think it may be a good transition to a sippy since the bottle is glass like her Dr. Brown's but the top is a sippy. We still LOVE our Lollacup and of course the cheapie straw cups from Target for water!

Any other cup/transition suggestions you have please send my way!


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