Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hug It Out!

Hi Friends! 

As many of you know my kid has been quite a terrorist lately-- she is going through a definite growth spurt and has been teething but she's just a bit of a crazy-terrorist also-- between not napping, being overtired and throwing dramatic tantrums I've been researching every 'course of action' (i.e.: googling how the F do I stay sane with a toddler?!) 

One of the best methods I've found is something so simple and it sounds completely crazy. When I read about it I literally LOL'd. Right at the computer screen. 

Just - "HA.HA.- You must be out of your damned mind." 

The advice stated that when your kiddos having a fit to offer to give them a hug. If they agree.....

Just hug it out. 

I know, I know.....all of you are imagining your kiddos in the midst of a tantrum when they look like they are definitely possessed by an angry demon who is out to ruin your life and wanting to hug that little person can be terrifying...but here's the deal, it totally works and I think for Isla's age where many of her fits are because she's tired or can't verbalize exactly what she wants it provides just enough distraction for her to slow down, relax for a moment and either move on or refocus. It also provides a quiet opportunity to talk (in few words) to them about what can be done to relieve the situation. Obviously this only works if your kid isn't hurting themselves or other kiddos during the tantrum. So seriously, give it a shot if you need a new method in your arsenal of tantrum-relief. 

For older kiddos (i.e.: 2+) I've heard really good things about removing them from the situation and taking deep breaths with them. Taking deep breaths is a natural relaxation method and in my opinion, a skill they can use for the rest of their lives (god knows I take about 150 deep-relaxing-patience inducing breaths a day when dealing with my crazy kid). 

And of course Time-Out. Has anyone used the 1-2-3 Magic Method? or any of the Time-In methods? 

If you have advice on this or completely disagree message me or comment-- I'm interested and obviously digging for my info! 


PS- I was reminded to write about this because of this blog, check out her post here.

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