Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30.Days of Gratitude

Hi Friends-

Tonight I was feeling guilty that I didn't do my 30 days of Thankfulness posts like I did last year on my personal blog.

I feel bad for Thanksgiving.

It is like the kid that has their Birthday on Christmas--no matter how much you try to celebrate BOTH ...the kids birthday always gets trumped by Jesus'. That's real.

This year I feel behind on the festivities. I wanted to decorate for Fall at the beginning of October but my house just feels so cluttered I promised myself I wouldn't haul any decorations out until it was clean. Yesterday I was shocked when I realized it was my BFF's Birthday, which always signals the beginning of November. I wanted to shout from the rooftops--"I'M STILL STUCK ON HALLOWEEN" (or the end of Summer for that matter).

Thankfully, I'm going to get my act together and we're FINALLY cleaning out our condo this weekend and taking loads of boxes to storage....and hence, I finally get to decorate. It is with this plan in mind that I can open my brain to Thanksgiving and give it the due acknowledgment it deserves. It is one of my favorite holidays because not only does it pave the way to the dash to Christmas (my all-time-favorite) but it is the one holiday you don't spend money on or buy presents for. It's just about FAMILY and provides time for reflection on what we're most grateful.

(And I'm putting this is parenthesis because I don't even want to give it another thought--I say "shame on you!" to Kmart for opening their doors at 6am on Thanksgiving--meaning Kmart Employees have to get up and open the doors for consumers who are going to eat up this marketing ploy like a bunch of seals. rant over. I'll just let Huffington Post do the talking for me: link here )

Back on task....

As I was rocking Isla tonight .... feeling guilty that I haven't even begun to think about the meaning of Thanksgiving I realized that I do something better and more meaningful....I profess my gratitude to those I love and look-up to throughout the year. I send 'thank-you' cards by snail mail because I think a written note still means something personal. I profess my love to those who support me and keep my 'crazy' at bay: my 'Mama' friends (the girls!) and my family on my blogs and in real life.

Most importantly.... every single day (and that is not an exaggeration) I thank whatever higher power is out there for the beautiful life I've been handed.... that I was given the blessing of finding a relationship with Brandon that grew into a marriage we thrive in. Our companionship over the last 13 years is brilliantly fun, meaningful and most importantly- REAL. Every night as I rock my sweet girl before laying her down I say a prayer of protection and thankfulness for another day with her. Every single day, no matter what has happened I thank my lucky stars and all that lay beyond for that amazing little lady we created. I am blessed beyond measure and I have never been more aware or grateful of the beauty in my life.

....and with all of that I feel better. much better.


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