Friday, July 19, 2013

Creature of the Night

If you read my personal blog- this is a duplicate- YES, I'M THAT DESPERATE :)


Hi Friends-

This post is a bit of a plea ... The last month and a half Isla has gone from sleeping 6-7 hours (sometimes 8) straight to waking up multiple times in the night. At first it started with an earlier bedtime and one wake-up which made sense but now she's waking up multiple times and is really fussy at night. She goes down around 9:30 or 10:00 and is up within 2-3 hours wanting to eat and is always very fussy but tired. I can usually nurse her and get her back down. The problem is that she continues to wake up every 2-3 hours throughout the night and ends up in bed with me so I can feed her and try to sleep. This week I've had to get up and rock her in the middle of the night. When I got up twice last night and almost fell over with her in my arms at 3:30am I decided it was time to plea for advice and help. I know babies do this and shake up their schedules (especially when they're teething- which she always seems to have symptoms of) but is there something I'm missing? Any advice- good or bad- is appreciate :)

Sleepless in Seattle (or Kirkland to be more precise)


  1. Yep. This happens. Every time you have it figured out and right when you are confident enough to brag that your child sleeps through the night, they F with you.
    Grace was slightly older when she started doing the afore mentioned dreaded behavior and it took us months to get to the other side. The easy answer is sleep train but I didn't have it in me and can't say that I regret not doing it. Too each their own though and by all accounts it works.
    Not that it is any consolation now but it will get better. Eventually they do sleep again. But as I mentioned, every time you figure it out, they change it up again. I swear just to keep us on our toes.
    Read No Cry Sleep Solution if you haven't, I know we've talked about it. It's the alternative to sleep training. I followed it and it got us to the other side. On occasion, if Grace wakes, I rock her for a few minutes but often now she either puts herself back to sleep or I rub her back for a few minutes and she is dreaming again.

  2. we created our own sleep-training method using babywise & healthy sleep habits, happy child. crying it out was the only thing that worked for us--it was horrendous, but only lasted two nights. Gemmie has been sleeping 12 hours a night since! you've just got to get Little Miss I on a schedule and i promise it will get better--just figure out what works best for you!! also, if you decide to do cry it out--you can borrow my mom. teehee
