Saturday, March 16, 2013

Things I know 100% about Pregnancy

An oldie and goodie :) Hope everyone's having a great weekend!


1. I almost published this without writing anything. Proves "baby brain" is 100% a legit matter. (This is when I should submit for further evidence that I have left my car window down all day in our parking garage, lost both my debit and Starbucks gold card and tried to pay for dinner with my QFC card. awesome)

2. Those women on daytime talk shows who say they had no idea they were pregnant until the baby was born are liars.period. THERE IS NO WAY. I even tried to figure it out....thinking, well maybe if they had a really bad case of indigestion and were obese maybe... but there is just no way. The frequency at which a baby kicks and moves, that dropping feeling like you fell down the stairs when they hammer your ribs...that is not normal and if you think it's normal you need to see your Dr immediately.

3. I have never been so in love with my hubby.

4. People are shameless when it comes to staring at the bump. Have you never seen a pregnant woman before?

5. Fashion faux pas' after 8 months are shameless and necessary. Somedays putting on an actual pair of pants is just beyond me.....I now live in leggings (the phantom waist-band) and enjoy every.damn second of it.

6. Delicately folding the belly band on the top of maternity pants is a lost art that I seek in earnest every day.

7. Third trimester= I have never been SO 'get outta my way before I stick my head in the lake, I could literally drink 15 gallons of that sweet stuff we call water' THIRSTY in my life!

9. The belly becomes public domain (or at least some tend to think so).

10. I now understand how this happens...... (I always wondered- how do they not feel that? you just don't- it's real)

11. I thought this was common knowledge but it appears not to be. If you ask what a couple wants to name their baby and you don't like the name you are NOT ALLOWED TO JUDGE. You say "that's nice" and hold your opinion. period.

12. Animals really can sense that something is changing. We now call Stella the "Stare-ier" because she literally just sits and stares at us. all the time- any time of day. It's the oddest thing. She also goes into protective mode with me during the day---she guarded me while I blew dry (is that right? blow dried or blew dry...hmmm?) my hair this morning.

I know other Mommies out there can add to this! Bring it on! :)


ps- apparently my grammar and spelling are the most recent casualties of prego brain. Now that blow dry thing is really making me think .... and that a word?
 #busy conserving my last 2 brain cells over here. gahhhhhh

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