Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday: Randoms and one great story

Hi Friends!

I've been waiting all day to blog this I was at my dry cleaners with Isla dropping off B's shirts. I've known my dry cleaner lady for a long time and she loves Isla so whenever I'm there we check in to see how each other is doing. To make this story make sense, I should tell you that we know this guy (through a friend) who's a local Real Estate Agent and has a VERY unique name. I am dying to write it here but I don't want him to google his name and find my blog so I'm going to leave it out. Lets just call him Scooter.

Anywho--Scooter made bobble heads of himself as marketing and has them at local businesses. It has his name right on it so I'm 100% sure it's him. As I'm chatting away I look down and see Isla has pulled Scooter's bobble head right off of his body. Oh LORD! She was just looking at me with big innocent eyes like, 'look mom, I found this'-- uh huh. SH*T!!!!

Thankfully my dry cleaner friend didn't see so I was trying to stick it back on while I'm attempting  to chat nonchalantly with her, not to raise suspicion!--- the damned thing kept falling off, I was getting so flustered. Thankfully it finally stuck for a moment and I rushed out. I can't believe Isla decapitated Scooter's marketing bobblehead- so embarrassing!

Isla apparently on a roll...because then we went to 3R, which is a tech recycling place in Georgetown to exchange a switch for B. Wouldn't you just know of the only times I agree to run to Seattle and drag a toddler into a tech store for him ....she blows out her diaper before we got in. I thought it would be a quick trip but it ended up taking longer than I intended and Isla ended up running full blown laps around the center aisles laughing maniacally. That place is a total choking hazard-- at one point I had to say, "excuse me while I make sure she's not choking on a random cord over here"-- my kid will NOT stay by my side so it was a game of tag and she WON. #momfail.

The guys in the store were all super understanding....thank god I wasn't that lady! Does anyone else's kids go crazy after a big poo? We used to have a little terrier that would do the same thing--a big poo and she'd run around like mad. We always called it the 'poop crazies.' I can't believe my Toddler has them too!

These "Baby Legs" killed me today---SO CUTE! (and perfect for Fall days when the weather can't make up its mind!)

Last but not least.....

I totally 'mom-failed' today. I personally don't consider Taco Time fast food because it's too delicious but lets be honest.... mexi fries and a crisp bean burrito are pretty much fast food (devastating I know!) Anywho- I needed a quick lunch and failed to pack one so Isla and I had a little picnic in the backseat. This pic says it all.......

........she's completely disappointed in me. :(

In my defense I did order her a cheese quesadilla with black beans and light cheese so maybe it wasn't so bad? maybe? (I'm sure the woman in the drive through was like 'sister you're at Taco Time, there's no way to make yourself feel better by custom ordering your kid a quesadilla!' :)


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