Friday, December 27, 2013


Hi Friends!

Isla is in the throes of a serious teething event. The poor little lady broke out with a rash all around her mouth and up her cheeks. I was worried it was an allergy or the dreaded, Hand Foot and Mouth that is going around before reading up and realizing it was because she drools and then grinds her little hands on her cheeks and in her mouth....the perfect oasis for a rash apparently. ug. 

Today as I was carrying her around Target I swear people were staring at her and silently ridiculing me for taking my "sick" child to infect all of the other perfectly healthy specimens who were shopping mad post- holiday deals (seriously, if you need holiday deals or any baby items hit up Target- I swear everything's on sale!)

I wanted to scream, 

"Just simmer down people! She's just teething. I mean she is 11 months and has ZERO teeth!" 

...but seriously look at how sad her rash is.... (and this photo doesn't even do it justice).

Last night she crashed after our Christmas with her Grandparents and then woke up several times, the main event being at 4:10 AM. There wasn't anything I could do to calm her down. She just wanted to spin around and walk on me when I sat in the rocker. I tried feeding her, walking around with her, singing and even letting her cry for a couple minutes to try and work it out. nothing worked. She finally fell asleep on me and I laid her down at 6:00. Yep- a good two hours spent fighting the teething storm. ug. I was exhausted this morning to say the least. In fact, I dreamed I checked on her and had to run in when I woke up to make sure she was snug as a bug. I haven't been that sleepy in a long-long time (which made me completely rethink how much baby fever I'm going to allow myself to get when we visit my BFF and her new Daughter in 3 weeks---remember all the sleepless nights S? REMEMBER?!!! :)

I'm also back to working on my nursing supply issues. I was kind of content weaning her in January when she turned ONE (it's coming so fast....sniff, sniff. My BABY!) but I just read the 12 month update from Swedish that detailed how good it is to continue nursing through this cold season to power her up with extra antibodies and goodies. Considering we're on the verge of flying across the country, we're in the middle of flu season and neither of us is "ready" I'm not rushing the end to nursing. I know when she's ready I'll know--and I'm pretty certain she'll be ready before I am. So here I am again, 7 months since the last time I worked to increase my supply, back to extra feedings, pumping, fenugreek and brewer's yeast smoothies- yum, yum! If it saves her from a cold or the flu--especially when we're traveling it will be WELL worth it! 

Time to kick back a glass of chardonnay and settle in for a night of zzzz's ("Hear that Isla?---ZZZZ's- Mommy's sleeping tonight!")

I'm praying she got the memo.


ps- I'll get the holiday posts up tomorrow- so many fun pics. Can't wait to share all of our wonderful details. 

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