Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hi Friends!

So per usual, Isla's been kicking my buns during the day lately. By 7pm (i.e.: her bedtime) you have to scrape me off the floor to do anything...which is really unfortunate considering my house is usually a disaster because the little lady hates to nap. I think the hardest thing is that she's so inconsistent as of almost two weeks ago. Somedays she naps twice a day and is exhausted, some days she blows through the first nap and crashes early for the second, some days she refuses both and melts down at 5pm (and those days are the worst!) The only silver lining is that she is still a great nighttime sleeper. She goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up most mornings between 7 and 7:30 - although yesterday she was up at 6:00am after having a later than usual bedtime (sleepy Mommy!)

I was losing my mind about all of this--feeling exhausted, guilty and slightly crazy when I decided to take advice from one of my favorite blogs, Enjoying the Small Things (which is just a little slice of happy- you should read it :) In one post Kelle was having issues with her new middle child (after having her son). She advised just "loving her right through it." So that's what I decided to do. Isla's been making me crazy but I'm just going to love her right on through this growing time. We're still going to keep her schedule - because I truly believes she is a kid that thrives with a bit of structure--but if she needs some extra cuddle time in the middle of the night, an extra feeding or two or just wants to be held we're going to do that.

It's funny how when you give yourself permission to just embrace the craziness things get a lot less serious and a lot more fun. That was definitely the thing I was missing that I would have overlooked...Isla is SO SUPER FUN right now! She LOVES to be awake. She loves her people. She loves to be learning, absorbing and mimicking. She does amazing things. Just last night before bed I played our Santa countdown ornament for her that sings "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and said, "Ok, say Bye-bye to Santa...we'll see you in the morning" and she said "buhhhh-buhhh." I loved it! She also has this hysterical habit of fake laughing. She loves to do it anywhere and everywhere and pretty much all of the time--sister does not discriminate! Today we went to B's office for lunch and he was holding her talking to some co-workers, 30 seconds after they all laughed at a joke she scrunched at her nose and fake laughed at all of them. It was classic Isla--a total hit!

I love that I'm just going to let whatever she's going through (which seems to be the usual growth spurt, sleep regression, teething trifecta--aka: the Bermuda triangle, ugh!) happen. Throwing my hands up and saying...I can clean another day. I can catch up on emails in a bit. I can blog when I get a really empowering. I'm just going to enjoy this time with her--these crazy, crazy moments.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!


I love watching her stand up and inspect her toys every morning :) So sweet! 

PS- Don't assume that today was just a good day and tomorrow I'll be ranting about the lady (which I probably will be :) .... today's highlight reel included: Isla's 1st turd in the tub (that's real) and she was exceedingly proud in case you cared, ONE - 23 minute nap (just one) and a full meltdown at 4:45 when she wanted to go to bed. Obviously it was awesome. 

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