Thursday, April 30, 2015

An Anomaly at Apple

Hi Friends,

Isla's been so good and helpful lately. She's been really interested in helping me do tasks and know what our schedule is. She is always very interested in being a big part of our plan so I was kind of surprised today when she lost it at the Apple store when I chose to torture myself by picking up our computer that just got repaired (thank the Lord!) alone. Now let it be known- my Hubby wanted to do this over the weekend when one of us could watch Isla and one could lug out the mammoth beast (that's the comp ;) Instead, I had errands at Bell Square so I decided I was just going to do it.

Right -- like just do it.... *enter eye roll here*
No biggie.
Just stroll a 30 lb desktop through the parking lot in Isla's stroller and somehow let it not topple and shatter on the cement while having an iron grip on Isla's little wrist so she won't get pancaked by a car (because actually listening to me scream 'no there are cars' doesn't create fear in her brain)

Anywho- I seriously thought she'd hold it together. And right about the time I let her out of her stroller to put the computer in I was reminded that (A) she's two. (B) it was late afternoon - almost her worst hours (C) The apple store is full of childless yuppie men who have ZERO clue what Toddler hysteria looks like.

Needless to say, at one point I looked down and Isla was barefoot, with her pants pulled up to her knees and she had thrown 3 stuffed animals on the floor. I was getting flustered and although I know the guy helping me was trying to help by begging me to have the computer taken to my car, I was so thrown off by his sheer panic--literally the 'eyes wide open' emoji- at my situation which he labeled, 'it appears you have, uh....alot going on here' *insert eyes scanning Isla running amok*

 I informed him I had done this with her several times and was just fine taking it to the car which in all reality wasn't my best choice, I should have just given in and done the damned car delivery thing but I just wanted to flee- with my crazy shoeless toddler, my newly renovated desktop, my last shred of dignity (cheeks burning mind you). I literally felt like such an outsider--which is totally crazy! Crazy. I'm not the only one to have kids....or to be crazy enough to take on that task but it was definitely one of those moments where I felt all eyes on me with a bunch of brains skeptically thinking, "how's she gonna do this?" I just couldn't help but feel like an anomaly--  one mom with a crazy kid in a sea of brightly lit technology and yuppy techies. ug.

Needless to say, I did it. We all arrived home safe and sound and next time I'll take the bearded techies advice and get the damn thing delivered to the car.

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