Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday's Ten

Hi Friends-

Sorry for the long hiatus- my beautiful desktop is still 'at the shop' so I have to motivate myself to use this old school laptop to blog and it's ... well, apparently hard to do. Poor me. If you'd like to hear more about my 'first world problems' tune into my personal blog- it'll really make your day.

Just a couple things to note regarding the last couple days.....

1. My kiddo is enrolled in pre-preschool for next year and I'm thrilled. It's a play-based program, we got the teacher we wanted and the one class they offered- yahoo! It's a co-op so I won't be blissfully having solo coffee dates and watching soaps for hours in the afternoon but we're thrilled! My girl's getting SO BIG!

2. My Hubby went to bed at 7:45 (that's right folks, 7:45 PM) tonight because he got up at 3:30 AM -- in the FREAKIN' AM GUYS!- to go to work when he couldn't sleep. I was so mad I stomped out of bed at 3:30, threw open the bathroom door and said, "SERIOUSLY GUY, ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!" and then I proceeded to send him ridiculous, exhausted-lunacy in the form of text message...and then I went back to bed. I woke up and said, "did that really happen?"

3. Today as we drove around to get errands I caught Isla muttering, "c'mon waffoll" to herself....all because she heard me yelling at her waffle that got stuck in the toaster this morning.

4. I find her like this at least once a day. Little girl--Big bed.

5. We had a lovely family dinner (and late xmas-- complete ridiculous fun) at Bastille in Ballard on Sunday and it was SO AMAZINGLY YUMMY. I hardly ever do French food because it can be hard to find vegetarian options but they really rocked it and our waitress was awesome!

6. On that note....can you believe I've been a Vegetarian for 20 years this year. Crazy! It's one decision I have never- ever regretted!

7. I just finished a super sweet afghan for my Niece and I can't wait to post pics when they get it....on to a new project!

8.  We FINALLY got the iPhone 6 and it literally has changed my life. My iPhone 4 was so bad--the battery would just die at 40% and it froze all the time. It literally was waving the white flag in surrender. Time to upgrade!

9. I'm convinced Isla's stuck between seasons- her fashion sense is astounding and impressive all at the same time. She's really into dressing herself lately and I try not to take over---even when it's really, really difficult to keep my comments to.myself.

10. Last but not least, I looked up from the computer to see this today....I couldn't figure out what she was singing and then B came home and said, "oh yah, the Sesame Street theme song"- HA! What a clever little lady :) 

Happy end of week everyone! 

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