Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Hi Friends!

Such a blogging hiatus going on right now-- my computer is back home but the first time I got on it the white screen of despair appeared which is pretty freakin' funny since Apple couldn't get it to have that problem. I pretty much was like, "SERIOUSLY? It does it to me ALL.THE.TIME." I felt like I was at the car dealership telling them my brakes were squeaky to have them drive my car around the block and hear it purr like a new luxury ride. BAHHHH- hate when that happens! Anywho- I'm scared to use it because I'm convinced it's still on its last leg so I've been putting off blogging on the laptop---once again.

All of these convincing excuses also coincide with what I have deemed a new growth spurt out of my 2 year old. She's been getting up 1-2 hours early (which auto corrected to 102- hahah! Feels like it!) and to top it off she's still not napping- even when she gets up at 5:30 AM. Somehow that kid powers through almost 14's insanity. Bottom line- I've been a bit of a 'mom-zombie' this past week.

Not to mention Frozen has played in my house WAY.TOO.MUCH this week! I bought it for Easter but got so desperate this weekend to just have her chill out that I slashed the packaging and popped it in. Unfortunately that little stunt has now opened the flood gates of Frozen everyday and I'm so damn tired by 5pm I just don't care. The best part? She HATES the Let it Go song sequence. She always says, "no,no, sing"....bahahahah!

Time to upload some pics and get with the program--oh and I have fun news coming soon! (no, I'm not expecting-- calm down Mom). Hope everyone's week is going well!


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