Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Catching up

Hi Friends!

I am finally posting this! Some of the news is a bit old but it makes me feel good to get one thing off my to do list and just post it anyways :) I hope everyone had a nice weekend and start to the week!

------(this is old :)
I've had so many times this week where I wanted to jump on and post but it just didn't work out--the timing wasn't right (i.e.: Anni celebrations in Canada), I was being smothered with editing (I promise the pics are coming!) or I sat down a couple hours after thinking of something I just "had to blog about" and just wasn't in the mood. When you're not in the mood to blog--the posts are ugly. I'm sure other bloggers can agree with me there. So here's my 'catching up' post. At least I can check one thing off my very long and obnoxious 'to-do' list!

We had a fabulous time in Canada celebrating our 14 year anniversary (14 years- I know, crazy!) It was the first time we left Miss Isla for the weekend and thankfully I wasn't apprehensive about it at all. My Mom & Brenda watched her and she had zero issues all weekend---not even with sleeping. She did the normal wake-ups and routine she does with me. I had moments where I really missed her or had a little panic 'where's the baby' second but for the most part it was fabulous fun. Right after I had Isla a family friend put a comment on my Facebook that said, "A girl! Your hearts will be lost forever. Congratulations." It stuck with me because that is kind of the feeling....being exposed, having your heart lost (or found, whichever way you prefer to view it) is kind of what it's like to have a child. Her existence is stamped on my soul, she is a part of every second I live whether she is with me or not--every moment or memory I think about now includes her little shadow in it. She was with us even when we didn't know her yet. I think of our life before her and it always includes her. It's the oddest most wonderful thing. Even though I deeply enjoyed our time alone and I know how healthy it was, I still missed her. That's the funny thing about the whole deal---even tonight. I FINALLY took a shower and got ready alone and I actually missed having her babble to me in the shower although I did appreciate blow drying my hair without having a Toddler scream/cry at me and hold onto both of my legs. To see my entire Canada post in pics go Here.

Isla must, MUST be going through a growth spurt of some kind. She has a crazy kind of energy right now. She literally could run for 45 minutes and not stop. Today she said "all done" to B while doing the sign. She has been putting things 'together' on her own-- yesterday when I was getting super annoyed that she was emptying the pantry once again and then I realized she had taken a little basket out of her room and was filling it up with 'groceries' like she did last weekend at the children's museum. I can't get mad at her for that! She's my little genius baby :)

She loves and I mean LOVES opening and shutting doors to lock you out (ug). Today I had the biggest Mom fail of them all and left her with the keys ...which of course was when she locked me out of the car and had the time of her life pulling off her shoes, pulling stuff out of her diaper bag and reading her book. She didn't even look worried when B arrived to save the day and I finally busted her out. Thank goodness she was buckled in her seat.

-----(this is new)

Isla's still being crazy....but what's new about that? :) She did super great in the car for 3.5 hours on the way to Long Beach for our Ladies Weekend with my Mom, Brenda and her Auntie Mindy who powered through a cold to make it. We had a great time even though the weather could have been better. Isla did great in the car and slept like a champion! YAY! Last night she didn't do great- she was up from 3:20-4 but went back down and slept until 7;30 so I can't really complain. She's super verbal and I can see her 'working' on learning things when we read stories or I tell her things. I'm constantly pointing things out to her and naming things so she can mimic me. She's a busy bee but I wouldn't trade this time for the world.

We are thrilled for summer around here- that 82 degree day (yes, singular...day) was a total tease! Bring it on Seattle!

Time to post the rest of the wedding pics, Long Beach and Beau's Cake smash- I'm completely caught up on editing--yahooooo! - time to blog and fill my schedule with photo sessions again :)


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