Monday, June 17, 2013

Museum of Flight

We spent Father's Day at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. B and I have been wanting to visit for awhile - especially after they put the shuttle trainer on view. They let Dad's in free for Father's Day so it was kind of a no-brainer! It's also super big with lots of things outdoors to look out (although you do need a separate ticket to get close) so it was perfect for a nice day.

A couple tips to make your visit easier! Especially with little ones :)

1. I preferred to use the Ergo or carry Isla through the museum. There are elevators available so strollers are A-ok! but the Ergo was a lot easier and faster to get through exhibits and crowds.

Ps- if you don't have an Ergo, seriously go get one! They're so easy to get baby into when you're 'on the go' and they're so easy on your back for longer periods of time. I'll do a full review on these at a later time :)

2. Food and Drinks aren't allowed in exhibits. Please note that Starbucks Americano in my hand that I had to dump. It Swill your double shot before you go in!

3. You can find a coupon for a regular adult admission here if you download their coupon book. Kids 5 and under are free :)

4. Make sure you check the rules on the website if you want to see a specific exhibit. For the shuttle trainer there is an age requirement and you need to leave your kilt at home. Be warned :)

 ps- this is not the shuttle trainer- just a cool exhibit photo :)

5. This is a teaching museum and they have so many wonderful things for kids from the Lego tables to the Kids area with lots of things to see and touch. I can't wait to take our Littles when they're older!

6. There are separate tickets to see the big planes outside up close and personal as well as the shuttle trainer and several other exhibits. Check out all the info before you go so you only pay for what you have time for. It's a big museum so multiple visits may be necessary!

7. Take lots of pictures and always LOOK UP! The best stuff is over your head :)



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