Thursday, March 20, 2014

You know you're a Mom when......

1. You add basic hygiene to your to-do list : clip nails, pluck eye brows

2. You try to avoid looking at your chipping toenail polish....add that to the list!

3. Its not uncommon to use the bathroom with a baby on your lap. Privacy is a thing of the past.

4. Hearing silence or 'uh-oh' from a toddler when you're out of the room is terrifying.

5. There is nothing sweeter than rocking your baby- that is time to recharge together.

6. You go to the mall to shop for yourself and leave with 2 items for yourself and 12 for baby (that is IF you even make it to the mall :)

7. You have never been so happy to get a visit from your parents (babysitters!!!)

8. Teaching your Toddler to blow their nose is an epic milestone.

9. You listen to kid music in the car inadvertently in your personal time. Oh Casper Babypants, you had me at Hello ;)

10. Mom Brain is a real thing (I forgot half of these before I remembered them again).

11. You explore the politics of the playground (why are those parents not watching their big bully kid? Why is that little kid climbing the stairs alone? etc. etc. )

12. Right about the time your Toddler starts sleeping through the night you consider 'having another one'--I'm convinced this is 'the greater powers' way of laughing in your face.

13. You make up songs about 'using utensils', 'brushing teeth' and 'nakey jaybirds' (and dance!)

14. Schedules are built around naptime/bedtime. Dinner with friends at 7pm--are you joking?! Dinner at 5-- we're in!

15. Meals are eaten standing up in front of your baby's high chair checking that they don't choke (I'm glad I do this considering Isla DID choke last week- Terrifying!) or taking toddler size bites of leftover Toddler food while unloading the dishwasher and making dinner.

16. Date nights (what's that?! :) are literally a special occasion.

and yes.....I wrote this while blow-drying my hair, coming up with plans for this afternoon and watching my 14 month old ransack my bathroom cabinet naked (the highlight? She peed and stood in it---a morning isn't a morning without a big clean up :)


PS- What would you add?

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