Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIY: Bumgenius Diaper repair

Hi Friends! 

I FINALLY repaired the tabs that were curling up from failing Velcro on my Bumgenius AIO diapers. Here is a little tutorial to help you through it if you're doing the same :) 

1. Remove tabs (I trimmed the top part above the seam with scissors so it would come off easier) 

 2. Use a seam ripper to remove the entire tab. Be careful not to puncture the lining or yourself! (I did that- it hurts :( sad! )

 3. Once the tab is off you can pin new tabs on (you have to order the "refresher kit" from the website to get precut tabs and elastic).

FYI: The Velcro front piece does NOT come in the kits. The laundry tabs do but they're a BIG pain to remove and you would have to sew through the lining so I only recommend doing that if you really have to.

(This right here is two hours of ripping out tabs from 12 diapers in front of the TV--not bad for a nights work :)

 (Props to me! I remembered how to wind a bobbin! and special thanks to my Grandma who taught me how to use a sewing machine when I was 13. A skill I often am glad I have! )

4. Sew on the tabs! (See sewing tips below!)

Sewing Tips!

1. Make sure the sticky (i.e.: rough) Velcro piece is on the inside.

2. I pinned my tabs but the pins are hard to get in so I ended up taking them out. The tabs do shift during sewing so see what's easier for you on your machine.

3. Sew the tap on the liner first, then the edge, round end, last edge (I did three times on each side). It's easier to do them by side than to go around the whole thing 3 times. I ended up cutting threads part of the way through because sometimes they would all get sucked in the bottom (it really sucks fishing them out of the bobbin area)

4. Do one diaper and make sure the outside Velcro strip on the front isn't so bad that even the new Velcro doesn't stick--doing the entire stack and having none of them work would be terrible!

5. Buy heavy-duty needles for the sewing machine. I broke 3 needles in the process of sewing 12 diapers. It will save you A LOT of frustration.

Other than that- this is totally worth the work~ Good luck!


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