Monday, March 10, 2014

Kelsey Creek Farm & Park

Hi Friends!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

While I'm busy editing a million fabulous (seriously--FAB-U-LOUS!) shots from my soon-to-be Sister-in-Law's Bridal Shower this weekend I thought I'd post our Sunday pics! The weather was nice on the Eastside so we took advantage of the break in rain/wind and peeled ourselves off the couch. (Did Daylight Savings hit you guys as hard as it hit us? WTH? I still feel like the walking dead. It didn't help that I tossed and turned last night dreaming that I was homeless and traveling around with a little person who collected change in a boot. Too much Game of Thrones I think?!) ....

But back to our Sunday FUNDAY!

My life seems to revolve around the quest to get Isla out of the house and to find parks/play areas that are suitable for Isla's age/development right now---(i.e.: parks without big kid toys/slides where she will fall on her head). I've already had several close calls since she loves to climb and is fearless about stepping off anything...even if it's into thin air (terrifying!)

I like the U. Village's covered playtoy since it has little kid toys and little kid cars but even that one has a big drop from the slide and isn't really perfect for little kiddos Isla's age.

We went to Kelsey Creek Farm and Park on Sunday and they have different play areas for different ages of kids--it was PERFECT! Isla's into animals right now- especially dogs and birds. She does a really cute low rumbling noise for dogs (it's pretty hilarious!) and knows the bird/duck noises. We're working on the other barnyard animals- I'm hoping next time we go she'll have them down so she can talk to the animals too :)

The Park is a little bit tucked away. The easiest way to get there is to take SE 8th in Bellevue and follow Google Maps on your phone from there. There are signs to get you to the entrance. The farm animal area is open to view until 3:30pm everyday and they do fun events during the year--like sheep shearing in April! The have a parking lot by the farm area (i.e.: by the barn) but it was closed when we were there. Your best bet is to park at the lot by the entrance (it's the only other one besides the lot by the barn) and walk up to the barn. There are bridges to cross, playtoys to have your kids drool at, a stream and sheep along the way....lots of things to distract and keep them going!

 This pose--just please Isla :)

 She spotted birds---the girl is a bird enthusiast!

 Little Girl and a long road---but there are sheep to "bahhhhh" at.

 Lots of fun animals to check out: Rabbits, chickens, roosters, goats, pigs, horses....even old retired chickens that get to sit under heat lamps all day---lucky ducks  chickens :)

 The girl was a big fan!

 The goats smile at you! Take my word for it!

 Ah yes, my people.

 Could she be more thrilled?!
 "clap hands!"

 And this barn....what a beauty!

There are two play areas by a large field- one has little kid toys (below) and there's a bigger kid area next to it by the bathrooms. There's also a large covered pavilion with picnic tables. My only advice is to bring shoes that can get wet--it can get really muddy and wet in the fields and play areas!

This toy was perfect for new walkers--low to the ground and perfect for 'climbing' without the dangerous 'scare-mommy-to-death' falling part.

 Isla even met a new friend to share the teeter-totter with!

 These two have my heart--aren't the cutest! #troublemakers.

 and perfect bridges for backdrops and stomping back to the car :)



PS- If you know of any 'little kid' play areas in the Seattle area comment or message me! I'm always up for new adventures--especially this time of year! (Be gone 'cabin-fever!')

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