Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Mom Stuff

Hi Friends-

Just a couple notes:

1. The reminder that even after a really long-hard-napless day with my 2-year old, rocking her to sleep is restorative therapy for us both. There is nothing like silence and her deep breaths on my chest. The best of things.

2. Did I mention my kid's a shoe addict? This is especially funny when you know that B's family are Nordstrom Alum-- his Dad was a buyer for Women's shoes, Brother's a Manager for Women's shoes and he worked there pre-college as well. When we go to the rack she stops her tantrum and says "SHOES!" ... arm stretched. It's like she's seen a miracle. (This one below may give Daddy a heart attack!)

3. After that really long day mentioned above--realizing Hubby left the white wine you deemed necessary in the freezer overnight. #amateur

4. Isla telling me "Nah-kay" -- which apparently means "no thanks." We think it's genius and would like to adapt it into our everyday language.

5. This master builder and her proud smirk. (That sloping tower on the right is ALL her)

6. Confession: My Christmas Tree is still up. (Even worse--it probably won't come down until Easter).

7. My kid LOVES to FaceTime with cats. She got the pleasure yesterday with my Sister's cats, Max (see below with Min's BF, Chris) and Leo. Pretty classic.

8. I had the kind of day last week where I called B, broke into a sob and ranted about how terrible our child was and how she was single-handedly ruining my life (that was after being hit, scratched, bit and kicked multiple times--she's such a bully these days!) My friend, Janae who works with B sent me a text of support and a reminder that the doll below that scares the crap out of me (it's her Daughters) is always there for me. BAHHAHAHAH! A perfect laugh!

(Yes, that dolls body is a barn with animal heads poking out--how freakin' creepy!)

9. My kid conquering new sh*t. Last Summer she couldn't climb this wall alone and today she scaled it like a Navy Seal. Go Isla!

10. The fact that my kids' hand is ALWAYS in my food. It seriously never fails, she's quick and tries to charm me with sweet little chatter and then *BAM* my spring roll's gone-- #catlikereflexes

Last but not least..... 

A VERY warm and loving welcome to our Friends' new little angel, Vienna Marie. We adore you sweet girl and can't wait to meet you soon! I can't wait to see her pal'ing around with Isla in years to come! Congrats Moo&Time. xo. 

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