Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Resolutions

Hi friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We're still sad that the holidays are over and we're back to the grind around here-- boo! We are definitely missing all of the time we got to spend with B.Daddy around. It was so nice to be able to get things done and not have to 'helicopter' my kid all day (she's really been INTO things lately so the 'helicoptering' is extra necessary at the moment).

Today, as I was going through my to-do list... you know, the usual drudgery of making calls you don't want to (Hello IRS, don't you sound pleasant today- NOT!) and paying bills you don't want to (ug!), I decided to put my New Year's Resolutions in writing. I'm really excited about some of them! I'll update this blog as I knock these out-- lets hope I'm 8 for 8!

1. Cut Isla's 'screen time' 

Now, I will say I don't think Isla watches a ton of TV or is on the phone a lot because it's off almost the entire day besides in the morning (I can't turn off the Today show) and in the evening when she's getting ready for bed but I do think we could do better. I have decided a reasonable way to get this done is to focus on her iPhone/ipad and computer use. It sounds CRAZY to say my Toddler uses these devices but that's life in 2015 I guess. I am making 'busy bags' as a means to move her attention from the games on my phone or songs on the computer to hands-on activities that she will get much more from in terms of development. Lets hope this works!

2. Put up Isla's gallery wall in her room

A long overdue project that just needs to get DONE already!

3. Design (and PRINT) our 2012-2014 Family Yearbooks

I decided to give up on scrapbooking since I'm literally 9 years behind and to make family photo yearbooks at the end of each year. I went through 3 years of pics and have them all sorted but I haven't designed the books yet. Time to get down to business and get it done!

4. Stick to 1:30 "Quiet Time" for Isla

I have given up on naps for my 23 month old but 'quiet time' in her crib worked for us before the holidays and it's time to get back to it. For the most part she does great for 45-60 mins of hanging out in her bed with books, stuffies and her light up stars (not to mention how much I need the break!) Today she even slept--YAY! The girls needs her sleep and time to relax. I just read about how important it is that little ones get enough sleep and how too frequently busy parenting schedules get in the way of it. Time to get my schedule in check!

5. Crochet Isla a blanket

For some reason my kiddo is really short on stroller blankets. I am not sure how that's possible since I swear I received 17 at her shower but it's a real thing. I was going to ask my Mom to crochet Miss Isla a blanket but I know how and so I decided to take-on the project. Time to pick colors and get to work- I'm thrilled to see how this one turns out :)

6. Photograph our 'everyday'

Even though I may not have sessions right now I know it's important that I pick up my camera to stay connected to what I love to do. Time to blog about our everyday and the beautiful images I can pull from it :)

7. Save our receipts

I decided this year I'm saving all of our receipts and using them as a write off. It's always been something I've needed to do that hasn't taken priority since it seemed like a big job but B's Business Partner does it and shared her organizational system so I'm giving it a shot. Lets hope it helps us out with the IRS in 2015!

8. Make time to date my Hubby

This is pretty much always on my list but I think it's important it remains there. Life is busy and work is crazy. Sometimes it feels like it's not a good enough reason to find a babysitter so we can have a kid-free dinner together or go run errands together (even grocery shopping together is exciting these days :) but I am working on reminding myself that it is. Keeping 'us' in love and in a good place is an incredible gift to Isla- I definitely know that :)


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