Tuesday, March 25, 2014


3 words: Longest.Day.Ever. 

2 words: No.Nap

.... And apparently since I can only put together short witty sentences tonight you get a post of our day in one liners....enjoy. 

Isla up 4 times last night
Isla up 45 mins early this morning.
Huge poop. (That explains it)
Playtime and devastating news reports on Oso and plane crash. My heart is so sad.
She's hungry. Wants bananas.
Toast & Bananas
She's still hungry.
Steals all my oatmeal and banana.
Tries to stick hand in coffee and says 'haaaaa' (ie: hot). she's a genius
Playtime. Read same book 13 times.
I consider having 'another one.' Siblings are the best.
She chatters about Daddy.
Loves new tunnel. Thanks 'West girls.'
She's hungry.
She's really freakin hungry.
Early lunch. Tyrant in a high-chair. (remind me of Game of Thrones)
Still hungry. Throws water.
Playtime. Must play with breast pump (why?!!!)
Helps with chores
Hides my keys.
Tired. Early nap.
Milk and rocking. Tired. Lay in crib.
Fights nap for 75 mins
#Islawins. No nap (OMG. Please no)
Rolls on floor crying (Isla not Mom)
I say, 'Duh, you won't sleep'
I strike having 'another one' from my future plans. #onlychild
Fight tech issues with photography ordering. Isla tries to type. (I'm surprised she didn't download a virus)
Abort all desire to get anything done.
Condo too cluttered.
Unleash Unload isla on B at office. She hates storage unit.
Kirkland Storage= my new solace
Jimmy Johns for B. I 'pay' myself with Ladro.
Nice Russian man behind me backs up so I can park (either that or he's scared of my parallel parking. Did I tell u Isla clapped for me when I did a 9-point turn to park in our garage yesterday? #winning)
Drop lunch and reluctantly pick up my high-maintenance toddler
Brief sun.
Find perfect little kid park.
Isla loves it.
I rock as 'Mom'
Isla smacks her face while climbing backwards on slide. First black eye.
I fail as 'Mom'
Isla stomps through the grass crying
Crocodile tears.
Time to go home.
She's pissed& hungry
Play. Cry. Hungry. Read books.
Thank god for Ellen.
Dinner. Isla tries to sleep in high-chair.
Allan Jackson's "Chatahoochie" to wake her up (awesome parenting)
She demands '4th meal'
She rolls on ground crying.
Early Bath. Early Bed.
Drinks Milk. Demands nursing. Falls asleep. Wakes up in crib. Protest whine.
Finally---she sleeps.

I don't know if anyone watches Game of Thrones but we have been hooked lately (it's so dorky- I know) .... I told B I swear I'm the 'Mother Dragons' .... or one little high-maintenance, toddler Dragon to be exact. She has been making a high pitched 'bird of prey' noise lately. Coincidental?

Time to drink my dinner. Gluggghh. Glugghhh. Glughhh.


PS- Sending lots of good health karma to our Wednesday besties who both had the stomach flu and had to cancel our weekly play date. We missed you and by that I mean - I FREAKING MISSED YOU! Friday Raincheck!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahhahahahahaaaaaaa sounds like your day was just about AWFUL. so sorry we got sick instead of having our playdate. how rude! ;) see you friday!
