Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Hi Friends!

I can't believe it's only Wednesday! August literally will not end.

We were in Priest Lake, Idaho last week for the Hubby's annual family vaca. It was a long couple days and trip home but we were glad we went for Miss Isla! She had a great time playing in the sand and getting loads of attention....and even though I was a sleepless zombie it was worth it just to see her in this bathing suit on the beach..... gahhhhhh (enter the emoji with heart eyes here!)

I've spent the last 2 days playing catch-up....Monday at home all day on the computer and putting our house back together. Tuesday running errands all day and taking my Sister lunch (loved our visit!) Since my brain is running WILD today (due to the items below) this blog post will be a bit frenetic.
Sorry! Welcome to my Wednesday (of the week that will not end).  In no random order here's what's in my head today:

1. 5-to.the.freakin.-AM! That's what time my kid got up this morning. I actually felt bad for her that she soaked through her jammies and was covered in pee but after listening to my hubby hit his alarm for 45 minutes (why B, why?!) and then spend another hour trying to get Isla back down I was ready to go sleep on the sidewalk out front.

2. I can't get rid of this godforsaken headache. Ug. Make it stop! (Two coffees, a jug of water and a tylenol are not doing the trick!)

3. Isla now says "elbow" -- after I hit my funny bone yesterday and signed that I was "hurt" and said "elbow" she now loves to run around and says "L-BOW" in your face--and then laughs like a maniac because she knows she's a genius.

4. Yesterday I literally thought I was Super-Mom and decided it was the best.BEST idea to carry Isla with a load of groceries and other bags around multiple times during the day. OH 45 lbs of sh*t, no biggie! I got this! (really S, REALLY?!) By 5pm my back and neck were done. Officially done. It was totally locking up! B had to take Isla to the park and then I did a quick bedtime routine. I literally sat on my couch and binge watched The Killing on Netflix for two hours before retiring to bed to read The Book Thief. I'm binging on both! (The Killing literally scares the bejezzus out of me! I have to surf pinterest, read or watch kitten vids immediately after to not get nightmares! obviously watch it! (except for you L, you just cannot)

5. I just booked a Spokane girls weekend with my cousin and I can't freakin wait!

6. My genius car that was like one.million dollars keeps locking me out. MAJOR, MAJOR fail BMW. I've found out--if you put your keys in a bag (or the stroller) and put them in the trunk without unlocking the other doors first you're screwed. Really terrifying when Isla's in the car and the sun's out!

Worst Part of my day so far : While playing wife.of.the.year and making B a lunch so him and Isla could dine on brown-bag sammy's together.... Tuna for B and PBJ for Isla..... the tuna splashed in my FACE and HAIR so now all I smell is fish. All the time. It's so gross.

Best part: Besides spending time with my crazy monkey (don't I have to say that? :) , discovering that Homegrown Sandwiches serves Stumptown coffee! Made my day!

Time to get serious about my to-do-list while my kid fights her nap (Go to bed Isla!)


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