Monday, August 18, 2014

Today (in all its glory)

Hi Friends!

First off, it was an amazing Anniversary weekend around here! B and I celebrated 7 married years on Friday Harbor and it was just lovely. Isla's Auntie&Uncle spent the weekend with her and she had the time of her life. I think she was ready to send us away again when we got home. To the next 50 years---we can't wait to see where they lead :)

Second, I had SUCH a day. Let me just tell you.

My kid woke up at 6am...which is fine if she would have napped but OH NO, she blew right through that (literally) courtesy of a seriously gross diaper. ug! I'm loving all the new verbal skills but when I hear "POOP" from Isla's room I know I'm in trouble. I had so much to do to catch up from our weekend I'm felling SO BEHIND! I tried to do as much as I could during the day without wanting to lock Isla in her crib but alas here I am, in front of the comp with no dinner...about to take on my to-do list (This blog had to come first---it's a matter of sanity you know). I'm about to drink a Corona for dinner- desperate times call for desperate measures right?! I couldn't really blame Isla for her poopy-naptime issue or that she wasn't even in a bad mood. She was so happy and fun she was just SO HYPER. She was bouncing off of every wall--our condo wasn't big enough for her! After she broke off part of my plant (the part that proved I can make plants grow--it now just looks DEAD :( *SOB*), I trapped her in the stroller and took her on a second walk....that would be where I sweated my guts out at the park in direct sun while she played on fake landscaping rocks and sorted wood chips. If you strolled through Heritage Park today and saw a bedraggled Mom who was looking incredibly parched (She dumped my ENTIRE water bottle on herself in the stroller--standing water EVERYWHERE!) that was me. When I screamed "Isla too far, I have a cookie! Come get a cookie" I knew I was close to rock bottom. When I followed it up with a text to L about the social acceptability of buying a 'fifth' and drinking it while strolling Kirkland's swanky downtown I KNEW I'd hit it. Not my finest hour.

well hmmmmm..... (please insert the eyes turned to the ground, blushing emoji here)

Well, I feel like I redeemed myself tonight. She ate her entire veggie sandwich (even the spinach and tomato!), I made an effort to put down my cell even though I was super stressed and had clients to respond to and at the end of the night when she gave me an extra big hug and fell asleep on my shoulder I knew the 'mom-battery' was recharged.

Same time, same place Isla. I'm bringing my 'A-game.'

Hope you Mamas had a great Monday!


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