Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Living with Terrorism

As I heard a guest on the Today show this morning talk about precautions parents can take to protect their children from terrorism: Don't stand next to a garbage can at a large event, Don't hang near the bathroom, Don't stand near anything that could potentially harm you as shrapnel if a bomb went off...all I could think was....

"Is this really the point we're at?"

Are we supposed to live in a defensive state of fear? Is it responsible parenting to pass that fear on to our children? Am I better parent if I take these precautions?

For some parents I'm sure the advice was helpful but I took it as more of a reminder to BE AWARE.
Take more notice, be more present, watch my surroundings and my children better.

I have no plan to avoid the restrooms or survey the garbage but if I see a bag unattended or feel uncomfortable I will act on my instinct by telling someone or moving away. I can understand taking moderate precautions for general safety at a large event but always having the threat of terrorism in the back on your mind impedes your ability to live your life.

As parents we are preparing our children for the world. We live in an age where we have to talk to them about tragedies like the one that happened in Boston. We have to explain "hate" and grapple with explanations of why these things happen when we haven't processed them ourselves. Fortunately Isla isn't old enough to ask questions so I didn't have to have the conversation but I know I would have struggled for the words. It's hard to know what to say. I believe in finding the correct balance of truth to prepare and protect them and compassion to comfort them.

This is such a complex subject ..... and I think until these things happen we fail to think about what to tell kids or how to deal with questions or precautions. It is tragically unfortunate that we have to think of these things at all and yet, irresponsible if we don't. I am not looking forward to the day when Isla takes notice and asks heartbreaking questions in her beautiful innocence. For today, I seek to prepare her for the world ahead, protect her when necessary and find beauty in the overwhelming 'good' that is out there in the world.

Today, this post is dedicated to beautiful, Martin Richard who died at the Boston Marathon. In his words.... "No more hurting people. Peace"


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