Tuesday, September 29, 2015

16 things.

Hi Friends!

Sorry for the hiatus, just busy with the kiddo and EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. ug! By 7:15pm I'm usually reclined on the couch with a blanket and reruns of something I've seen 100 times. I like to think of it as my 'sanity time.' :)

We're so thrilled that the holidays are quickly approaching and decorating for Halloween will happen this week. Isla has already informed me that she's scared of her bat Halloween PJ's so we'll see how that ends up. Hmmmm. Regardless- I am so thrilled for this holiday season and how fun it will be with Isla at this age this year. Bring on Fall! YAY!

I'll leave you with just a quick post outlining the random absurdness in my brain. Enjoy.

1. This Halloween costume. Sushi. Hysterical.

2. I love how they make products for crazy cat people and those people just wear it loud and proud- I sent this to my Sis and recommended she get it for her Fiance for Xmas. HA! 

3. All day. Every day. I should wear this on a sandwich board. 

4. The time (this Saturday) when we accidentally hired a drug addict (meth maybe?) from Craigslist to help us move a bed. #sh*t

5. Just lounging with Isla&the TUTU. It's EVERYWHERE. 

6. This kid and her love of brie. We like to think that she's getting in touch with her French roots. 

7. Fall pullovers and cardis---my favorite time of year!

8. Isla learning to use chopsticks on Sunday with her buddy, Kyo (who's already a pro!)

9. Construction Truck PJ's & a Tutu= best of both worlds!

10. The kid requested a playdoh Ballerina-- I must say, I was pretty proud of my skills.

11. Typical Facetime 'talks' with Daddy = 10 minutes of making faces at each other.

12. These jerks at my Husband's work-- obviously if you drive a truck you should double park. Total douche move!

13. The kiddo sharing her Eiffel Tower toy with her class for show&tell. Big girl stuff!

14. Making this---hopefully it doesn't scare Isla.

15. This 5:45 "nap" today--are you kidding me kid?! Just no-- you're going to bed in a hour. (She hasn't taken a real afternoon nap in almost a month).

16. Screenshots of this showing up in our shared pics--anyone else's Hubby addicted? I wouldn't be sad if this game went up in a ball of flames. Just saying.


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