Thursday, September 10, 2015

Update: 10 Things

Hi Friends!

Sorry for the hiatus- I just haven't had much to blog about except for my crazy kid. Decided it was time for an update in the form of one (or two) liners - enjoy.

1. Isla is very much IN the terrible 2's (and 3's I hear) and on a side note she hasn't napped in a week solid so I have a very real fear that her napping career is over (and was too short lived)- *SOB!*

2. Isla now refers to Bert and Ernie (from Sesame Street) as "Bernie" when you ask her who either of them is even though she knows they each have a different name. She is all about 'ease of use' :)

3. Our Nephew, Jaxon was born on Tuesday- 5 weeks early and 5lbs 2oz. A healthy baby! (and a 1hr 40min delivery- all Mamas are jealous on that delivery time (I know!)-- AMAZING!)

4. Isla and I are in negotiations over her Halloween costume. I will probably give in but I still have a chance of getting my way ;)

5. I started Christmas shopping and it's going great! I am torturing myself with a couple craft projects and am patting myself on the back for finding a pattern online from something my Grandma made us at least 25 years ago. Thank you internet!

6. Isla made her school placemat today and it turned out pretty darn cute. (She designed it herself :)

7. Labor Day weekend included 'chopsticks' lessons by my Husband- time to practice (This is SO overdue! #bucketlist)

8. If B doesn't make it home for bedtime (she's been going down at 7 with no nap) we FaceTime so he can say good night. Lately Isla has to tell him good-night and then make him walk to one of Tech's desk so she can say goodnight to the guy's Spiderman bobblehead. 'See piderman Daddee?'

9. Isla keeps telling us everyone she's going to see in Disneyland (note: we don't have a trip on the calendar). Her list includes Captain Pete, 'bad guys', the witch (just pick one I'm guessing), The 'big lion head' (i.e.: the cave of wonders from Aladdin) and many more obscure characters- something tells me she may be disappointed.

10. Doing this 1 year old session for a family I get to photograph every year made me extra excited for my an upcoming cake smash and HOLIDAY MINIS! I already have Isla's pics and our family session planned out. YAHOO!


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