Thursday, February 12, 2015

Genius Momvice

Hi Friends-

Just some quick momvice for you if you're looking for an easy--relatively clean 'rainy day' activity for your littles.

We live in a condo and don't have an outdoor space so painting and really messy activities are hard. Isla of course loves them (hence the "messy art" class she is starting at the community center in two weeks, ha!) so I picked up some of those cheap magic paint books. I had this brush set that included a wedge sponge and sponge on a dowel and they worked great for little toddler hands. She loved doing this with a little bowl of water. It kept her busy almost 20 minutes which was a miracle. Well worth the $1 it cost me at Michael's!


1 comment:

  1. One thing I would do with my daughter when she was younger was washable paints in the bath. Id strip her naked and put her in an empty tub with some dollops of washable finger paint and let her go nuts. When she was all done she'd get some water and a wash cloth and she'd clean up her mess which I'm sure was her favorite part. When we brought out twins home she'd do this about once a week and it would keep her busy atleast an hour!
