Thursday, August 13, 2015

Our Night Went Awry

Hi Friends! 

I'm primarily writing this so the next time I have a really bad day I can look back and be like- 'Hey, remember that, it could be worse' or I can hopefully reach some poor Mom out there on her last strand of patience- 'I'm with you Sister! I had one of those nights too!' 

Tonight was supposed to be my evening off. The Hubby and I are switching off a couple days a week so he can see Isla after work and then run to the gym while I put her to bed- then I get Tue, Thur and a weekend as my days. I usually opt to go for a walk, grab a coffee or run errands-- just get out of the house! Tonight he got stuck at work and I agreed to 'take one for the team' so he could work late and we can have a 'work-free' weekend. I wanted to see the singer playing at Music in the Park tonight so I decided to do a girl's date with my girl. I know...'FUN MOM' right?! Well- that's what I was hoping for. We had pizza at Zeeks' and then headed to the park for about 30 mins of playtime before the music started. The walk was great....

Pizza was great. 

Park was great for 20 minutes and then the CRAZY STARTED.....

I told her that she could wade into the water but only up to her ankles. She decided she was going to not listen and hide behind some huge rocks by the side of the beach. There is a drop off on that side that I kept warning her about and she wouldn't listen to me telling her to come in closer. She ended up falling down fully clothed in the water and then proceeded to strip down to her diaper with all of her clothes (including her shoes) floating in the lake.

 I wish I had a video of this whole thing- especially a close up of my face- just total disbelief. Not exactly shock because she has been on a particularly frustrating tear lately but just disbelief that she so readily disregards my perfectly reasonable instructions and that she was standing in the lake with all of her clothes floating around her.

As soon as she got close I grabbed her out of the water and she threw an epic fit as we left. It consisted of a lot of yelling 'don't touch me Mama' (such a favorite, ug!), going limp as we walked together (such drama!) and one last final throw down at the edge of the park. This picture below is the snapchat my girls got this evening- Isla in meltdown mode telling me she wasn't leaving...while laying on the dirty park grass in a soggy-lake diaper, her clothes soaking wet, our left over pizza soaking wet and me-- red faced and SO ANGRY! I mean seriously, SERIOUSLY!?!

I have so many things to say- about how naughty she was being and how badly I wanted to just lose my cool but ... I held it together. I have no idea how considering how thin my patience have been lately but I did. (Yay me!) I definitely needed a cold shower and a dose of perspective when I got home but I held it together and did the right thing (for us) by marching her home and talking to her in the bathtub about what the better decision would have been. Who knows how much she absorbed but I know it was better than any alternative way I could have handled it. I'm disappointed I missed the show and we missed the great night I wanted us to have but I guess sometimes real life trumps the vision in your head. I would have really liked to be 'cool/fun mom' tonight and I feel like I turned into 'mean/enforcer' Mom but I know it was necessary. Just once Isla-- listen to Mommy so we can have a great time. Just once?! :) 

Like they say- 'the days are long and the years are short' -- there's my dose of perspective for today. ai-yi-yi. 


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