Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#6: Genius Momvice

As many of you know we live in a condo that makes me crazy half the time. Space is at a premium! I decided when Isla hit the 6.month mark it was time to go through her clothes and rework some of our most used spaces. This turned out to be a lifesaver for me! Not only did I donate a ton of great stuff but I changed up spaced that needed to be functional which got cluttered in 6months. When I was setting up the nursery I didn't really know what "flow" I would need it to be in since I was a first time Mom. With 6 months under my belt I had a much better idea of how I needed it to be laid out to run like a well-oiled machine! 

I highly recommend re-evaluating your space every 6 months just to make it more efficient. I guarantee clutter has crept in. You will feel so much more liberated after reworking your baby space! 

I had jammed her brush, aspirator and lotion into the side of her changing table. It was a cluttery- eye sore. I ended up taking a basket holding barrettes from her changing table drawer (it took up too much room anyways) and putting it on her nightstand full of daily items like vaseline, diaper creams, aspirator, brush, etc. It made my space more efficient and no one sees it when they walk in!

 I had the cloth diapers in the top with hats and headbands- it didn't make sense. I made her top drawer all diapers and that sock basket. Much more efficient!

 We donated 2 bags of clothes, her newborn tub and a couple bath items I didn't need. It felt good to pay it forward to another Mama who needed it :)

I ended up finding a fishbowl vase under my sink and filling it with her bows and headbands and putting it in the bathroom. Isla loves sitting on the counter and looking in the mirror while I put back her crazy hair in the morning.

Good Luck getting your space in top shape!


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