Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Hi Friends-

I'm officially stuck in a sleepless, bad hair, I'm "cutting dairy" (and it's the hardest thing in the world)....HELL. 

My baby won't sleep. 
(That's a bit dramatic since she's sleeping right now...but it feels like she won't sleep). 

The past week she's been up every two hours to eat, fuss on my shoulder, do a backbend and try to wiggle out of my arms- whatever she feels like. That means on average I'm up 6 times a night....SIX. I've gotten to the point where the more I sleep the worse I feel so I just stay up and deal with it. I completely understand how people get to the end of their rope with this whole sleepless process- there's just SO MUCH conflicting information. Everytime I try something new and hope it works I read something else that says to do it different. The bottom line is every baby is different and what works for one won't work for another. I just PRAY she's getting through this phase because I'm exhausted! Last night I was so tired I passed out in bed so B took the first 2 wake-ups. 

This weekend I did have a friend tell me her kids crawled and got their first tooth in the same week and it changed their schedule. Isla's super close to both. I'm hoping that will help her settle in! 

That being said, we're still dealing with digestive issues. She spits up ALL.THE.TIME and that's not even being dramatic. She went through three outfits and 2 pajamas today. I'm back to giving her a probiotic, giving more time between meals and sleeping and burping her after eating (always!). If anyone has advice on that issue- let me know- I'm open to any suggestions at this point. 

Ok, enough of that! Lacie and I took the girl to Bellevue's Kelsey Creek Park today to see the petting zoo and play in the grass, it was super fun! Isla and I love our Wednesday dates and hanging out with these girls. Chatting with L makes me feel 100% less crazy....grateful for that :) I LOVE the pics of our Wednesday playdate. 

Isn't this one the cutest :) love. 

I'm thrilled for tomorrow and this weekend. My Brother & (soon to be) Sister-in-law are flying in from Miami for some family time (and bonding with Isla) before our good friend gets married on Saturday. I can't wait to see them and celebrate! 

More pics to come! 


1 comment:

  1. good GOD i love wednesdays. also, that pic where the girls are WAY into the talking abc app. LOLOLOLLLLL. xox
