Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Maui with Baby

Hi Friends! 

Let it just be said....B and I love us some Maui. 

It's our special place. 

We have our favorite beach which we call our own. We talk about all the things we've done and how young and fabulously free we were when we did them (we first went there when we were 23 and won a free trip!) There is nothing better than sipping a Mai-Tai on the flight and then hopping in your Jeep...top down...Hawaiian air in your face and rolling on the Hana Highway or pulling over to lounge on any roadside beach (and yes, there are many). We even photographed B's Brother and my dear friend, E's engagement proposal at sunrise on the top of Haleakala. What a moment that was! 

As I said, Maui's our place. 

So .... when we decided to take Isla there we both got a quick initiation into what it's like to "vacation" with a baby. I'm going to be preface this by saying, we had a great time and loved our family vaca...thank goodness for my Sis who made it 100% easier for me to not lose my mind with Isla alone... on an island (ahhhh!!!) but "vacationing" (please notice the intentional quotes) with a baby isn't a vacation. 

It's not. sorry. 

It's just doing the same stuff you do at home- the middle of the night wake-ups, 5 spit-ups, 3 blow-outs and a drink only after breastfeeding to squeeze in those 2-sober hours ....on an island paradise and calling it a "vacation." 

same baby mess&craziness- different locale ;) 

That being said....we were SO grateful for our impromptu vaca and  as the week went on it got a lot easier and we got into a little routine with Isla. Usually my "thing" is to wake up super early before B....grab my Kona coffee and post up on the deck over-looking the ocean (like my dreamy Hawaiian hotel fantasy?) Unfortunately our stupid condo didn't have a deck and my baby didn't sleep past 6:30 so my "thing" was sadly put on hold but we started strolling Lahaina town in the morning with Min. It was our "new" thing and it was so calm and lovely before all the crowds converged. I loved those minutes just strolling along in the early morning sun as Isla caught extra zzz's and my Sis and I had lovely, sometimes meaningless chats :) 

our first walk :) 
(If I didn't state already- bring the baby carrier! You'll need it!)

So....I thought it would be super helpful to give you my best tips on traveling to Maui (and in general) with a little-one. 

I should also mention we stayed in Lahaina this time (you can read my hotel review here) but we've stayed in Ka'anapali and Kihei .... and each area's a little different. Some of these specifically have to do with Lahaina. 

1. If you stay in a condo (and you should) shop Costco after you land. 

We always stay in condos with a full kitchen and laundry. Maui can be really pricey and we like to make full pitchers of icy beverages and picnic lunches to save money! We always shop Costco after we get our rental car and buy groceries for the week. You can hit up Safeway in Kihei or Foodland in Lahaina (but it'll be much more expensive) for non-bulk items. 

This time I didn't bring my stroller for our 8.month old Daughter. I gate checked our car seat in a car seat bag. Tip here: I borrowed a car seat bag from a friend and put a bag of toys buckled into the car seat which technically is a free checked bag. Isla loved her floor playtime with all her usual toys. Next time- I will most likely bring my stroller. (more on that below)

Isla was just too sleepy for the big box store :) 

2. Strollers (where do I begin?)

I wore Isla through security which was much easier and I highly recommend that. That being said, I will most likely take my stroller next time and I would recommend considering it if you have a stroller bag for your stroller- they really throw them around at the gate) and your little one isn't walking. I rented a stroller on Maui from Wild Wheels Wentals which was great since they dropped off and picked up at my hotel. I considered buying a cheap umbrella stroller but when I looked at them at Walmart the $23 option looked like a rickety death-trap. Seriously scary. (PS- If you do intend to shop at Walmart bring in your own bags- they don't have any and make you purchase them). I ended up going with the 3-wheel jogger style stroller rental. It was $8/day and I used it a lot. I don't think you would need it for your entire trip if you weren't staying in Lahaina but we strolled every morning and evening around town and I took it on many of our adventures. Wearing Isla after about 11am was out of the question. The stroller was the Jeep brand and was possibly the size of a Jeep Liberty but everyone on the sidewalk seemed immune to it and I even got complimented on the sheer size of the beast. Isla of course loved it--her own personal chariot. 

3. Buy an insulated refrigerator bag 

We got one of those reusable insulated freezer bags from Safeway that was perfect for hauling lunch, snacks and beer to the beach. Much cheaper than a cooler and easier to carry than those Styrofoam contraptions that most likely end up in the ocean strangling a fish. 

4. Renting a Pack-n-Play

If you read my hotel review you will notice that our stupid condo rental didn't have a pack-n-play. It's so ridiculous! That's the first time we've travelled and not had the option to get a crib in our room. The company we rented from was great but didn't have P&P sheets. I used a blanket in lieu of a sheet but you may want to bring one if you're renting a P&P. 

5. Boon Spoon

This thing is so epic. If your little one is on purees seriously get this spoon. You can use it on the plane and when you're travelling around. It's the only way to travel and feed baby solids!

6. Remember your car charger and any charging cords for your monitor/white noise maker

I had a serious debacle when I forgot my charging cord for the car for my phone so I could use the monitor. Just don't forget it. 

7. Try to keep your original schedule

Maui is 3 hours earlier than Seattle time and we never really fully adjusted. Isla's schedule varied by 1-2 hours earlier. Do what you can to stay on the same schedule. It will make flying home and adjusting at home easier. That being said....Isla goes to bed around 7:30 and putting her down at 4:30 and getting up at 5 wasn't an option so slight adjustments may need to be made. 

8. Baby-Mail 

Buy postcard stamps before you leave so your little one can send postcards to family at home :) (BTW: Did you know postcard stamps are 33 cents?!! what the? I remember when they were like 19 cents. I'm feeling so OLD! Anywho- family loved getting the postcards Isla sent out. 

Remember! ... to save family addresses to your contacts on your phone before you leave. 

9. Check off-season sales

I needed to get out of the condo one of the days B was working so Isla and I hit the mall for some coffee&strolling. I found a great sale at Gap on wintery clothes that weren't selling in Hawaii that will work perfect in Seattle. Keep an eye out for good sales if you get stuck wandering the alfresco mall :) 

ah yes, shopping off-season deals and breastfeeding in the dressing room. gotta love it. 

10. Strike up a convo with a Local

While strolling the mall I got some GREAT restaurant reccs from a local. They totally paid off...here are her favorites: 

- Sushi: Sonsei (Thur & Fri after 10 is half off! By the Four Seasons)
-Fish & Chips: Captain Jack's
-Fish Tacos: Coconuts
-Ice Cream: Banyan Tree
-Shave Ice: Ula'lani (on Front Street- SO good!)
-Dinner: Pacific-O! or Io (We've been before and both are really yummy with a great view!)
-Brunch: Plantation House
-Casual: Aloha Mixed Plate (in the Cannery Mall)

The Haleakala- super YUM!

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